camila kevorkian, Project director
pau corti, Production
Educator and artistic-researcher. My work explores the intersection of performativity, archives, and critical pedagogy through affective methodologies. I work in a situated and decolonial way through residencies, workshops, performative films, and collective editorial publications, for over thirteen years. I hold a BA in Fine Arts (2018, UNA), an MA in Experimental Cinema (2019, MASTERLAV), and an MA in Visual Culture, Visual Arts, from Feminist Perspectives (2024/2025, MUECA).
Social communicator, lover of books, checklists and deadlines. I dedicate myself to the production of artistic and cultural projects that intertwine ideas, people and emotions. If there is chaos, I organise it; if there are ideas, why not?

I am communicator and audiovisual producer, and love to promote projects, ideas and messages. I use social media as means of dissemination and articulation. I love nature and cats. An honest believer that there is always more.
guille alvarez, Community & Videomaker
At its core, the residency emerges as the project where I would have liked to learn, see and experience my archival practice journey. An affective creative community engaged with critical memory, that sustains other projects as it takes the risk of unknowing its own, by building collective learning. A pedagogical space in a natural environment, as a branch of trabajo práctico.
From critical memory, the residency mixes individual and collective work, and theoretical and practical approaches. An opportunity to explore, create and stimulate our artistic-research through a transdisciplinary creative process.
Solid will crumble; only fluid can create
Hardcore believer in the movement of bodies, memories, documents and times, the residency also moves between countries and people, adopting different ways of doing in each context.
Whether you are interested in archives, just curious about critical storytelling, gaps in the past, or you are a photographer with a lot of photos, do not hesitate to apply or write us about yourself and your research, we would love to know you and the way you can enrich the group.
camila kevorkian - Project director